About This Event
Join us on Friday 8th September for an exciting night of trivia to celebrate Papua New Guinea's 48th anniversary as an independent nation! All funds raised will support survivors of family and sexual violence in PNG to access the services they need.
Arrive at Ainslie Football Club from 6:30pm for a 7:00pm start to the trivia questions. A light dinner will be provided, with drinks available for purchase from the bar.
Tickets for the event are $30 per person, or $250 for a group of 10. Children's tickets are $20 each. Ticket sales end Monday 4th September at 12pm (midday).
Raffle tickets, coffee beans and bilums will be available for purchase on the night - so remember to bring your spare change!
A special thank you to Andrew Rowell and Therese Faulkner for graciously hosting the trivia night.
Who is Femili PNG?
Femili PNG is a Papua New Guinean NGO that supports survivors of family and sexual violence in PNG. Since opening their first case management centre in 2014, they have supported over 5,900 individuals to access safe accommodation, medical support, law and justice interventions, financial support, and more. Femili PNG now operates free crisis services in Lae, Port Moresby and Goroka. They also operate the Bel isi Safe House in Port Moresby.
In addition to their crisis services, Femili PNG undertakes extensive outreach to raise awareness about family and sexual violence and what help is available. They train community leaders on how to effectively support survivors in locations they can’t reach directly; and collaborate closely with other service providers to enhance their impact.
Who is FemiliPNG Australia?
FemiliPNG Australia is an Australian support organisation for Femili PNG. We recognise that local people, local communities, and local organisations are best placed to respond to the needs of Papua New Guinean families. That's why we're so committed to putting Femili PNG at the centre of all our work - with them leading the way, and us operating in support.
Our close partnership with Femili PNG makes our organisations stronger. Femili PNG provides a deep understanding of the PNG context and expertise in case management. FemiliPNG Australia provides difficult-to-source technical, project, and financial skills to complement Femili PNG’s work. This allows us to support the delivery of an extremely effective, high-quality service for survivors of family and sexual violence.
All our income goes directly towards supporting Femili PNG’s life-changing services.
Celebrate PNG’s 48th Anniversary of Independence with us!
Papua New Guinea is one of the largest and most diverse nations in the Pacific, with more than 800 Indigenous languages and some of the oldest continuing cultures in the world. After a long history of colonial administration from Germany, Britain and then Australia, PNG gained independence on the 16th September 1975. Since then, this date has served as an opportunity to celebrate the rich culture of PNG and the achievements the country has made since becoming a sovereign nation. Join us in celebrating PNG’s 48th Anniversary of Independence at our trivia night!
All funds raised will go directly towards supporting Femili PNG to link survivors of family and sexual violence with the services they need.
Ainslie Football Club, 52 Wakefield Ave, Ainslie, Australian Capital Territory, 2602, Australia
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