The lowest ticketing fees anywhere

Sick of high ticketing fees? Want to give your attendees a better option? Switch to EventBookings and save.

No credit card required.

Events created by thousands of organizations around the globe


Save more with EventBookings

People pay up to 15% of their revenue to ticketing providers. EventBookings has lower fees than any other platform available.

Average Entry Fee
Attendees Per Event
Events Per Year
Total Savings
or every 5 years
See how EventBookings compares to the others
VS EventBrite
Savings per year
VS TryBooking
Savings per year
VS EventCreate
Savings per year
Average Entry Fee
Attendees Per Event
Events Per Year
Total Savings
or every 5 years
See how EventBookings compares to the others
VS EventBrite
Savings per year
VS TryBooking
Savings per year
VS EventCreate
Savings per year
Average Entry Fee
Attendees Per Event
Events Per Year
Total Savings
or every 5 years
See how EventBookings compares to the others
VS EventBrite
Savings per year
VS TryBooking
Savings per year
VS EventCreate
Savings per year
Average Entry Fee
Attendees Per Event
Events Per Year
Total Savings
or every 5 years
See how EventBookings compares to the others
VS EventBrite
Savings per year
VS TryBooking
Savings per year
VS EventCreate
Savings per year
Average Entry Fee
Attendees Per Event
Events Per Year
Total Savings
or every 5 years
See how EventBookings compares to the others
VS EventBrite
Savings per year
VS TryBooking
Savings per year
VS EventCreate
Savings per year

See the price difference



0.30 AUD


5.35% + 1.19 AUD


Not advertised


4% + 0.99 AUD


2.5% + 0.50 AUD


3.85 % + $1 AUD


$29/month + 2.9% + 0.30 AUD

Ticketing made simple and effective

Loved by customers

Excellent 4.70

EventBookings has a 4.7 rating according to Australia’s leading
software review site, Capterra.

How EventBookings works



Add a title, date, ticket information, and description to establish your event.



Enhance the look of your event page with unique information, multimedia, and additional details.



Effortlessly promote your event by sharing it via social media or through email/word-of-mouth.



Maximise sales potential with discounts, coupon offerings, group ticket options and other features.



Get paid your earnings into your bank account following the end of your event.

Simplified ticketing with a
full feature set

EventBookings makes event management a breeze with its range of features,
including attractive event pages, customisable forms, multiple ticketing options, coupons & discounts, email marketing, and insightful reporting, all on an easy-to-use platform.

Effortless venue event creation

The platform has user-friendly features for creating and managing venue events.

Insightful reports

Gain valuable insights to enhance your sales and marketing efforts.

Organiser app for event management

Easily manage and monitor events with the organiser app.

Flexible session times

Create multiple options and let attendees choose the one they prefer.

Instant messaging and file sharing

Communicate and securely share files and screens during online events.

Customisable form builder

Easily capture necessary information with the drag-and-drop form builder.

Discount codes for Increased sign-ups

Offer coupons to incentivise people to sign up.

Waiting lists for sold-out events

Collect contact information from interested attendees if your event sells out.

Streamlined online event platform

With built-in video conferencing, you can save time and money while hosting online events.

On-site mobile scanning

Quickly scan patrons at the gate and even sell last-minute tickets with mobile scanning.

Increase order value with merchandise sales

Offer additional goods at checkout to boost order value

Live-streaming capabilities

Stream your online events on popular social media platforms like Facebook and YouTube.

Save online events

Safely record webinars and virtual seminars on your preferred cloud platform.

Advanced tools for increased sales

Maximise sales, marketing, and attendee management with premium tools.

Effective email marketing

Send reminder emails to boost ticket sales.

FAQs about EventBookings

Is EventBookings free of charge?

Yes, it's free for events without ticket sales. For ticketed events, a small fee applies (2% of ticket price + 30 cents) in Australia, which is the lowest in the market. You have the option to pass the ticket fee to the buyer. If you sell tickets internationally, the fee is + 1%.

How easy is it to set up and use the platform?

Very simple. EventBookings was built from the ground up to ensure it’s simple and easy to use. In the unlikely event you’ll need help, we have a 24/7 support team.

Does the platform have any limitations on the number of events or tickets that can be sold?

EventBookings lets you host any number of events with an unlimited number of attendees.

Can I access the platform from anywhere, or is it location dependent?

You can run EventBookings from anywhere and host events in any country where you live.

Can I add multiple sessions to my event?

Yes. You can add multiple sessions.

Need further assistance?

Contact us at Upon signing up (free), you'll be connected with a team member and onboarding specialist to answer all your questions.

Sell out your events with EventBookings

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